Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Book Review: The Tenth Case by Joseph Teller

ISBN: 978-0778326052
Publisher: Mira Books
Paperback: 384 pages
Genre: Legal Thriller
First Line: "We turn now to the issue of what constitutes an appropriate punishment for your various infractions," said the judge in the middle, the gray-haired one whose name Jaywalker always had trouble remembering.
One Word Review: Suspenseful

Publisher's Description:

Criminal defense attorney Harrison J. Walker, better known as Jaywalker, has just been suspended for using "creative tactics and receiving "gratitude" in the courtroom stairwell from a client charged with prostitution. Convincing the judge that his other clients are counting on him, Jaywalker is allowed to complete ten cases. But it's the last case that truly tests his abilities - and his acquittal record.

Samara Moss - young, petite, and sexy... - stabbed her husband in the heart. Or so everyone believes. Having married the elderly billionaire when she was an eighteen-year-old former prostitute, Samara appears to be the cliched gold digger. But Jaywalker knows all too well that appearances can be deceiving. Who else could have killed the billionaire? Has Samara been framed? Or is Jaywalker just driven by his need to win his clients' cases - and this particular client's undying gratitude?

Josheph Teller spent thirty-five years as a criminal defense attorney, and he uses his first hand knowledge of the criminal justice system to craft an intricate and well-thought-out legal drama that will hold readers' attention until the very last page. The Tenth Case is fast paced and exciting, with a tightly woven plot and interesting and well-written (if not always likable) characters. Teller's courtroom scenes are full of fascinating details, but it's never tedious. I completely enjoyed this book and found that I didn't want to put it down. It had enough twists to keep me guessing as well, and I was completely taken by surprise in the end - which isn't a common occurrence.

If you enjoy the works of authors like John Grisham, Steve Martini, and William Diehl, you don't want to miss this terrific debut novel.

Book Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


Anonymous said...

I do like those types of books, so I need to check it out, even though that cover scares me.

Michele said...

I added this to my tbr just yesterday! Thanks for adding to my reasons to get it. Great review.

Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

I'm glad someone liked it. I didn't. I almost felt bad writing a negative review. I have an ARC I need to give away!

Traci said...

I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did. I wasn't really expecting to, to be honest.

I feel bad for most of my bad reviews, too, but then there are some that I don't feel bad at all about. I've read a few books with just no redeeming qualities, and for those I feel no guilt at all.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading this one in November. Can't wait!

Literary Feline said...

I enjoyed this one too, Traci. I was surprised at how accurate it was--and true to life.

Adrian said...

This sounds like an exciting legal thriller that I would love to read.