Thursday, September 25, 2008

Booking Through Thursday: Well, That Was Different

Today's Topic: What was the most unusual (for you) book you ever read? Either because the book itself was completely from out in left field somewhere, or was a genre you never read, or was the only book available on a long flight… whatever? What (not counting school textbooks, though literature read for classes counts) was furthest outside your usual comfort zone/familiar territory?
And, did you like it? Did it stretch your boundaries? Did you shut it with a shudder the instant you were done? Did it make you think? Have nightmares? Kick off a new obsession?

One of the most unusual books I've read lately would have to be The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm by Nancy Farmer. It's a very unusual story and very different from anything I'd ever read. I did enjoy it very much (you can find my review of it here.) I'm not sure that it made me want to branch out because I don't know that there really any other books that much like it, but it was a wonderful book, and it made me want to read more from Nancy Farmer.

Another that I found completely different from my normal fare was Life of Pi by Yann Martel. I read it several years ago and I didn't care for it at all. It did make me think, but it also left me uneasy. It wouldn't dissuade me from a certain genre or type of book, though, because it was the story not the style that I had issues with. I don't regret having read it, but I wouldn't ever want to read it again.

What was the most unusual book you've ever read?


Anonymous said...

I left 'Life of Pi' half way. I thought it would be nice becuase many people has recommended it to me. But I might try reading it again.

SmilingSally said...

I have not read the two you mentioned, but I did post an answer.

Melody said...

The title sounds interesting; and I haven't read Life of Pi yet although I've heard some good reviews on it.

Yvonne said...

I haven't read those. My answers is up at

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you didn't like The Life of Pi - I was beginning to think I was the only one.

Jeane said...

I really liked the Life of Pi, although a lot of it didn't make sense to me.

Marie Cloutier said...

Life of Pi is one of those books that people either really like or really don't like. My answer was chick lit :-)

Anonymous said...

Life of Pi is on my reading list so whenever I actually get to it, I'll find out if I like it. My BBT is up.

jlshall said...

A lot of people really liked The Life of Pi, but it just really sounds like something that's not for me. Glad to see I'm not the only one. But I know that's me staying inside my comfort zone again!

S. Krishna said...

Ooh, I REALLY didn't like Life of Pi either...

Anonymous said...

I haven't read The Eye, The Ear and The Arm but my son has and enjoyed it. I tried to read The House of the Scorpion by Farmer last year and I just couldn't get into it.

I haven't tried The Life of Pi. It doesn't sound appealing but maybe one of these days.

Confuzzled Shannon said...

I haven't read Life of Pi but I think I have the book somewhere...
The strangest I read was Slaughterhouse 5 that book is weird.

Anonymous said...

The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm will go on my list.

I never picked up Life of Pi because none of my reading friends recommended it to me.

Sunny said...

Interesting! I havent read either of those, but it seems Life of Pi has been on a lot of people's lists lately.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of the first book you mentioned, but I did read and love Life of Pi. That book was tailor made for someone like me, I guess. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I love a book that can be read so many different ways. I'm planning on re-reading it to see how the second time around is different. All that said, I can see how someone would not like it.

Maree said...

I haven't read either of them, but Life of Pi has been on my ''mean-to'' list for a while.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Life of Pi when I read it for book club a few years ago. Some of the people in the group didn't enjoy it very much though.

After reading your post, I've added The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm to my to-read list.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes books I don't like show me more than books I love. Still, wouldn't read them a second time.

I'm always reluctant to read books that are "huge" and "well reviewed" like Life of Pi. Usually, it's not a good sign of a wonderful book.

Traci said...

I didn't hate Life of Pi. In many ways I thought it was original, and the writing style was fine. I think the reason I closed the book with the feeling that I didn't like it was because it was disturbing. I don't mind reading stories that are somewhat dark or somber, but I really hate finishing a book feeling icky, and this one left me feeling icky. I can certainly see why others really loved it.

Anonymous said...

I have Life of Pi sitting on the shelf but have not had a strong desire to read it, yet.

My step-out-of-my-box book was Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.

Erin said...

I'm so glad to hear someone else say they didn't really like Life of Pi. Everyone I talk to claims to have loved it, but I finished it and kind of went, "Umm...OK..."